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Truly Instant, Affordable & Anonymous - Mental Health Counselling 

About Us

Welcome to Asmi, a brand and product of Anjanajyoti Healthtech Private Limited where we believe in the transformative power of instant and accessible mental health counseling. Founded by Ujjwal Handa, who experienced the profound impact of untreated depression firsthand, our mission is clear: to remove the stigma surrounding mental health while making counseling more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Our Story

Ujjwal's journey began with personal tragedy—a close loss compounded by the mental health challenges brought to the forefront by the global pandemic. Witnessing the emotional toll on individuals during COVID-19, Ujjwal was determined to ensure that no one should face obstacles when seeking mental wellness.

What Sets Us Apart

At Asmi, we've developed a revolutionary mobile application that brings online mental health counseling to your fingertips in less than 60 seconds. Our commitment is to make mental health support not only instant but also affordable—costing less than a cup of coffee. We understand the importance of anonymity, providing a safe space for individuals to seek help without judgment.

Who We Serve

Our services cater to anyone facing mental health issues. We are here to support and guide individuals on their journey to wellness, breaking down barriers and fostering a community that embraces mental health without judgment.

Our Team

Meet our dynamic team driving this vision:

  • Ujjwal Handa (Founder & CEO): Guiding the ship with a personal commitment to mental health advocacy.

  • Riswan and Safvan (Developers): The tech wizards behind the creation and constant improvement of our innovative app.

  • Arvinder (Digital Marketing): A marketing guru dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and our mission to help those in need.

  • Ayushi (Finance Executive): Managing the financial helm to ensure our commitment to accessibility remains unwavering.


We're proud to have been recognized by the Government of India as a HealthTech startup, validating our commitment to providing essential mental health services.

Our Vision

At Asmi, we aspire to make instant and affordable mental health counseling available globally, transcending language and cultural barriers.

Join us in breaking down the walls surrounding mental health—because at Asmi, we believe that everyone deserves the support they need to live a mentally healthy life.

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